Week Wrap-up
I haven't looked forward to a friday in a long time! Like I said in one of my previous posts, since I'm in school the work is non-stop. The weekend is normally not an actual break from the monotony of the week. This week seemed rough though. It wasn't anything particularly terrible or different than the norm, actually I had less work due this week than I have had in a while. I think it's just that point in the semester when you're just over it all and the light at the end of the tunnel still seems so far away. Regardless of how shitty I felt about getting through this week, I still accomplished everything that I had set out to do, which I think makes this Friday more of a relief. I am done. I feel accomplished and ready to take a break. I went to the gym every single day this week and even took the plunge and headed back to my old Kickboxing gym to crank my workouts up a notch. I fulfilled the yummy recipe I posted about on Monday (pictures to come), and I have been delagent about carving out time for some other financial endeavors I have been working on. I have been one busy little lady. So all in all this Friday and weekend is going to be good, and unlike the rest of this year, I hope that it doesn't fly by.
Shantece G.