Amazon, my best friend! Pt. 1
So for most people they might consider me to have a shopping problem. The first step is admitting you have a problem right? I don't know if I am ready to admit that yet. I look at it more as a hobby really then a problem. Well if I do have a problem, Amazon is definitely my enabler! I literally buy almost anything I need on Amazon except for fresh food (no Prime now in these here neck of the woods). It's just so convenient, I can browse or search for whatever I want without someone breathing down my neck asking me if I need help... "No Janet, I can handle this myself. SHEESH!" I also like how quickly most of my orders get to my home. If there was Prime Now available I would probably never leave my house. I also like the excitement of ordering something online and then getting excited again when it arrives, it's like two christmases or something. Well I thought I would let you in on some of the crap... I mean beautiful things I buy! This one will be for January-February orders. I'll try to do one every month for items I purchased throughout the month... yes I shop that often! I'll add links to every item and a description of why on earth I needed/wanted it. Happy Shopping!
Shantece G.