Road trippin with my dogs and Hello Denver!
Spring break couldn't have gotten here any faster! As a college student you look forward to this day more than graduation sometimes (the ultimate spring break). Maybe not, but it is a huge relief to be able to spend a few days not having to think about school and schoolwork and deadlines and exams. I don't ever go anywhere wild and crazy for Spring break. I personally am not into that kind of shenanigans. I mean I love to party too, but I prefer a more intimate crowd and less frat boys puking on my shoes, ya know? So I missed my Monday this week because I was traveling back (8hrs) from my mini spring break vacation to Denver, CO. I had never really been to Colorado before, unless you count the one time I chose to drive back to Kansas from Denver or sleep at the airport for a morning flight. I've always been intrigued by Colorado. In my mind I pictured this metropolis sunken into the deep valley of a ring of mountains. I pictured looking out the kitchen window and seeing those pearly ice caps peeking out over the tops of trees. I was very much mistaken when I arrived. It was night time when we got there so the mountains disappeared into the dark cloak of night. Once the morning came I finally saw the mountains, but they were so far away. My uber driver told me it was approximately 45 min away! I was disappointed. Denver was still a beautiful city regardless, it was just less fantastic then I pictured (my imagination is very vivid). The entire trip actually felt very short. I was there for 4 days, but it felt more like 2 because of the 8 hour drive to get there and then to go home. I brought my dogs along because I found an Air B&B that allowed pets and I figured that they would enjoy a change of pace. I realize now that dogs are good creatures of habit and that leaving them alone in a new place is not the greatest idea. We could barely leave the apartment without them or have to deal with them barking at the door for us to come back for god knows how long. We did get to carve out time to eat at some great places, and visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science which was pretty cool. I love going to science museums!! All in all it was a pretty fun and quick trip. I've always been used to moving alot even before the Navy so I love to travel to new places. I like to pretend I live there and see if I would like it. I am constantly looking for "the" place to live. I have yet to find it really. In all honesty most places are all the same. I am quick to adapt so it doesn't take me too long to settle in somewhere, but the whole time I'm settling in I'm thinking about "where to next." In order to avoid further ramblings here is a list of my suggestions when traveling with pets as well as some of the places I visited while in Denver, CO.
Shantece G.
Road tripping with Fido
- Bring some blankets or their dog bed if possible. (It's a comfort thing.)
- Garbage bags and wee wee pads (My little bulldog hates car rides and was so nervous she threw up in the car.)
- Bring their favorite toy(s). (Another comfort thing)
- Make sure you are going to a pet friendly area and that your dogs are accustomed to meeting lots of new people and animals. (My husky is very friendly but for some reason little dogs are always trying to fight her. On the other hand my bulldog is well... a bully, she is small but insanely brave and likes to rough house a lot!)
- Mucho treats. (They are going somewhere new and unfamiliar so I like to give them treats when they are behaving themselves in a new place.)
The view from the balcony.
Capitol Hill, Denver CO.
Bella "the bully" Rose enjoying her stay at the dog park on site at the Archer Apartments.
Capitol HIll, Denver CO.
Great Mexican food and DRANKS!
100% de Agave
975 Lincoln St. Denver, CO
Health exhibit at The Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Space Odyssey exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
"Planet Adult" on the tickets makes it seem like we are about to go see a dirty movie... "Black Holes" doesn't help much either (lol).
Literally our third choice because the other two options were packed and/or closed. There is apparently an area in Denver called "Den Corner" where these three Japanese/Sushi restaurants are located. Ototo was amazing!! I can only imagine what the other two would have been like. I highly recommend checking this place out along with the other two if you have a chance. They import their fish daily from Japan!
1501 S Pearl St. Denver, CO
Yummy foods!
1501 S Pearl St. Denver, CO.