To Pee or not to Pee...
So I used to be the heaviest of sleepers. I mean smack me, clank some pans, burn the house down heavy sleeper. Once I had kids, that went right out of the window. I woke up to every sound and lack of sound there was. Once I joined the Navy it became a whole different story. As most of my Navy friends will be able to testify, some days (most), you were so darn tired you can literally sleep anywhere! I've actually fallen asleep standing up! (Oh good ol' boot camp...). I was especially accustomed to falling asleep in absolute darkness in my rack (where sailors sleep on a ship). Something happened though when I left the Navy. For starters, I can't sleep with any lights on... not a single thing, the glow of my phone charging is like God visiting me in his ever blazing glory! Another thing happened too, if I wake up... I'm done. There is no going back to sleep. This becomes an issue when you and your partner are on different schedules. I unfortunately, am on the "wakes up later" schedule. I say unfortunately because if he so much as thinks about sneezing... I'm up!
So this morning I had the lovely pleasure of waking up, not to his noises, but my bladder instead. I tried to ignore it. I tried so hard to shut it out, toss and turn and not feel the pangs of last night's water intake to no avail. I had a dilemma. Do I get up and pee only to stay awake an hour before I really had to get up, or do I spend the next hour trying to ignore it. Either way I was not getting my much needed beauty-rest. So what did I do? I freaking got up and peed and then spent the next hour laying in bed watching YouTube videos on my phone until I had to get ready for the gym.
Does anyone else have this issue? I really, really, really wish that I could go back to sleep right away but it's just not in the cards for me. Let me know your sleeping habits, I am honestly interested!
Shantece G.
What a rack looks like. There are no windows so at night when all the lights are off and your curtains are drawn and you face the wall.... total beautiful darkness!
Miserable me this morning contemplating what to do.