Never Miss a Monday Pt. 5
Ah the weekend is now over. I actually spent way more downtime than I should have this weekend. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a break, but at the same time I tend to feel guilty about neglecting or procrastinating some of my responsibilities. I just don't like waiting till the last minute to do something and then end up being on edge and stressed out. Thankfully, I didn't waste that much time doing nothing. A whole new week is here, what will you be accomplishing? Last week I re-introduced myself to my old kickboxing gym. I signed up about more than a year ago at this point and I loved it! I stopped going because of a number of things I was dealing with at the time, and laziness. Well I finally came back. I needed to sort of kick my ass more. I think the fasted cardio and exercises I was doing was good, but I also felt as though I could be more efficient with my time and be able to get a full body workout. In comes 9-Rounds. It's a local kickboxing gym that has 9 different stations that has you doing different exercises for 3 minutes straight. In between the rounds you also have small exercises you do to keep the heart rate up. Basically you get an ass whoopin for 30 min. I seriously love it though. I love high intensity interval training (HIIT). It keeps me on my toes and alert and I never get bored. It changes up everyday and you just don't know what you'll be doing when you step onto the mat. It's definitely more my kind of workout. I was scared to come back for so long because I was intimidated by how difficult I thought the workouts were. They are challenging... but I'm not going to die (what I told myself). So I just showed up, wrapped up and got to work! I enjoyed every sweat soaking, air gasping minute of it. So this week, I am going to try and go for 3 days. I eased my way back with two days last week, but I am ready for more. I also did this fasted, which I don't really recommend if you aren't used to fasted workouts. Kickboxing is so much fun, it's an exercise and a therapy session in one since you get to kick and punch the shit out of stuff till you're exhausted. Find a gym near you and join in!
Shantece G.
- Demi Lovato - Confident
- G-Eazy - I Mean It ft. Remo
- Rihanna - Pour It Up
- J. Balvin & Willy William - Mi Gente
- Cardi B. - Bartier Cardi Ft. 21 Savage
I figured the most important thing to learn before you even begin to do these workouts is to properly wrap your hands. It's essential for making sure you don't injure yourself.
This recipe looks so good. I can't wait to try it this week. As usual I don't like overly complicated recipes or weird ingredients I have to hunt down for. This bowl looks great and refreshing which will be a nice change of pace from some of the warm foods I've been making lately.
Look how delicious that looks!!